Doctor - "No lifting or gym for one week."
Me- "Noo!!"
Doctor looks down at chart - "Ok, light cardio it is..."
Don't worry guys, I am okay.. just got a mole removed off my forehead.
Breaking down insecurities one by one before my big day. Although I am thrilled it's finally gone, I am left with a few stitches and a doctor's order of no working out. I may go crazy... but it's okay, because when you can't work out you can always find a way to get moving. Start walking!!
Walking is such a simple, overlooked exercise. Most people work a 9-5 with a 30 minute break. Why not use that break to get out of the office and get moving? Daylight savings leaves us with no excuse to take that sunset walk, or if you are a morning person like me you can catch some great sunrises.
I am certainly not thrilled to be banned from the gym, but I am making it work.
Some tricks to burning the most calories:
1. Keep your head up.
2. Keep your spine straight.
3. Pump your arms a little bit (this is where my fiance makes fun of me with my "old lady walk")
4. GO OUTDOORS! This is key. The elements of the outdoors, especially if you are in California, are far more strenuous than a flat treadmill.
5. Track it: I use the app "Map my Run" so I know exactly how long and how far I am going, creating new goals to hit.
Aim for at least 30 minutes a day, and your heart and body will thank you.