A lot of readers ask me to help them with diet, which I love because it not only keeps me on track, but is the real key to losing weight. You can run a few miles a day, but if your diet isn't up to par you won't see the results you're looking for. Unless you are on steroids... but please don't take steroids.
Eggs- Eggs are my number one. This is to the point where my fiancé has actually given me a "eggs for breakfast only" rule. Regardless, they are a health junkies dream. Low calorie, high protein, and nutrient packed. Here's my piece though - forget the "egg whites" weight loss hype and include the yolk.The yolk is high in cholesterol, yes, but there are good and bad cholesterols and at the end of the day skipping the yolk isn't going to drastically make a difference. Plus, the yoke has added protein, carotenoids, and better flavor. I recommend eggs for breakfast to everyone I help with diet. I also recommend hard boiled eggs for a snack, and adding some spinach into the scramble for some extra nutrients.
Avocado- This is a popular one for it's superfood properties. My favorite way to eat an avocado? As a substitute for butter. When I am craving carbs after a high intense workout I spread avocado on multigrain toast and sprinkle with garlic pepper. The downfall of avocado is that it can pack on some calories if not eaten in moderation, but the benefits are endless. It's full of
good fats. It's good for beauty too! Avocado is a great addition during the engagement period, because it helps keep my skin clear and my stomach flat.
Cottage cheese- Cottage cheese is one of those love/hates. Some people are totally grossed out by it, others love it. I am the lover. My choice- blueberries and cottage cheese. I recently switched from nonfat to low fat, so I can feel satisfied and stay away from the mindless snacking. This is my favorite mid-morning in the office before lunch.
Salmon- I'll take it smoked, baked, raw, poached for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It's full of omegas that help with brain health and skin care. It is also low calorie, low fat, and highly nutritious. If you can, stick to the sockeye. Although it's a few extra bucks, it's significantly better in quality.
Skinny Pop- I save this for last, because it is by far my favorite snack. I am human... and a woman planning a wedding, when I am tired, stressed, or emotional I want to run straight to the pantry and polish off a bag of doritos with a pint of ice-cream before dinner. But, I don't (anymore.) Now when I feel like I am craving some carbs or snacks, I go for the skinny pop. I have turned a lot of people onto it. Popcorn is light, low in calorie, and a snack you can overindulge in without setting yourself back. It's official, I am addicted.