Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Protein Bars: The Dieters Friend or Enemy?

SUGAR: dextrin, maltodextrin, corn syrup, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, cane juice, brown rice sugar

Mix a bunch of those ingredients with carbohydrates and soy protein isolate and boom - you've got yourself a protein bar. 

My biggest culprit - the Clif bar. Let's compare facts.

220 calories 44g of carbohydrates and 23g of sugar

Image result for hershey bar
360 Calories 44g of carbohydrates and 40g of sugar

I don't know about you, but if I am going to consume sugar, I'd rather reach for the Hershey bar. Unless you are running a triathlon or training for a long distance event, Clif bars should be out of your shopping cart. These are not for those looking to trim down through diet.

Another ingredient to watch out for: Soy Protein Isolate.. where can these be found? : Almost any protein bar. Why are they bad? They can lead to hormonal disruption and thyroid issues. No thank you - I'll stick to the clean eats.

So what protein bar CAN you reach for? I highly recommend Quest Bars. For those who read my previous fitness journal, I have been a Quest bar consumer since the beginning. They fill you up, keep you satisfied, and are about as clean as you can cheat. Plus they have now added a new pumpkin pie flavor... so we can all get our basic girl fix.
Image result for quest bars
Ranging from 170-200 calories, low carb, low sugar, high fiber, WHEY protein isolate aka the good stuff

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