Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Trying New Things - Bring on the red meat!

For ten years I stayed away from red meat. In the beginning it was strictly for weight loss purposes, and it slowly turned into nothing but an unnecessary restriction. For months my fiancé has been eating steak in front of me, confused as to why I settled for eggs... again. The truth is I was a little nervous to steer away from my narrowed diet for fear of weight gain. How stupid is that? 

Now, am I advocating steak and cheeseburgers for dinner every night? Absolutely not. I do have a wedding to rock in a little over a 100 days! I will still stick to a poultry and fish diet mostly, but once a month I will fuel my body some delicious meaty protein.

The benefits of red meat? High in protein, iron, b12, and omegas.
The risk? High in saturated fats that can lead to heart disease.
The solution? Moderation and grass fed if possible (leaner and higher in omega 6 and CLA)

Last night I ate my first steak in a decade and it was DELICIOUS. I made it healthier by sticking to a deck of cards portion size, skipping the mashed potatoes by adding a side of sauerkraut, and staying away from processed, sugary sauces (that means you BBQ and ketchup!)

The first question people asked was "did you get sick?" Nope! I went to bed with a happy stomach, and woke up feeling normal as ever.

Try new things, your body may just thank you.

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