Thursday, June 9, 2016

Staying Healthy Around Temptation

It's been a whole nine days since I have posted, and it's with good reason. I started a new job! Completely abandoning my comfort zone, I have stepped foot into the car industry. After a month and a half of hiking Southern California, being back at a desk is tough. Being around vending machines is tough. Staying fit in this environment will be tough, especially with three months until the wedding. But I know if you are in it with me, I can do it.

Some things I have learned this past week

  1. It's okay to say no. Just because the office is having  a potluck and there is cake doesn't mean you have to eat the cake.
  2. It's also okay to eat. On the same note, don't alienate yourself because of your diet. If there is a pot luck, find the veggie and load your plate, opt for the healthy option.
  3. Stay away from the vending machine.
  4. Stay hydrated - on water!! No diet soda, no energy drinks (I am still learning this one)
  5. Stand up - can't leave your desk and walk? Stand for a minute or two.
  6. Pack wisely - always bring an extra healthy snack. To over pack is better than under packing, because that's what will lead you that devil disguised as a vending machine.
  7. Smile.. because I am just feeling the good vibes and all my readers should too!

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