Sunday, November 8, 2015

My Top Five Foods

A lot of readers ask me to help them with diet, which I love because it not only keeps me on track, but is the real key to losing weight. You can run a few miles a day, but if your diet isn't up to par you won't see the results you're looking for. Unless you are on steroids... but please don't take steroids.

1. Eggs- Eggs are my number one. This is to the point where my fiancĂ© has actually given me a "eggs for breakfast only" rule. Regardless, they are a health junkies dream. Low calorie, high protein, and nutrient packed. Here's my piece though - forget the "egg whites" weight loss hype and include the yolk.The yolk is high in cholesterol, yes, but there are good and bad cholesterols and at the end of the day skipping the yolk isn't going to drastically make a difference.  Plus, the yoke has added protein, carotenoids, and better flavor. I recommend eggs for breakfast to everyone I help with diet. I also recommend hard boiled eggs for a snack, and adding some spinach into the scramble for some extra nutrients.

2. Avocado- This is a popular one for it's superfood properties. My favorite way to eat an avocado? As a substitute for butter. When I am craving carbs after a high intense workout I spread avocado on multigrain toast and sprinkle with garlic pepper. The downfall of avocado is that it can pack on some calories if not eaten in moderation, but the benefits are endless. It's full of good fats. It's good for beauty too! Avocado is a great addition during the engagement period, because it helps keep my skin clear and my stomach flat.

3. Cottage cheese- Cottage cheese is one of those love/hates. Some people are totally grossed out by it, others love it. I am the lover. My choice- blueberries and cottage cheese. I recently switched from nonfat to low fat, so I can feel satisfied and stay away from the mindless snacking. This is my favorite mid-morning in the office before lunch.

4. Salmon- I'll take it smoked, baked, raw, poached for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It's full of omegas that help with brain health and skin care. It is also low calorie, low fat, and highly nutritious. If you can, stick to the sockeye. Although it's a few extra bucks, it's significantly better in quality.

5. Skinny Pop-  I save this for last, because it is by far my favorite snack. I am human... and a woman planning a wedding, when I am tired, stressed, or emotional I want to run straight to the pantry and polish off a bag of doritos with a pint of ice-cream before dinner. But, I don't (anymore.) Now when I feel like I am craving some carbs or snacks, I go for the skinny pop. I have turned a lot of people onto it. Popcorn is light, low in calorie, and a snack you can overindulge in without setting yourself back. It's official, I am addicted.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My proud moment and tips to have yours!

I am very proud today. My stomach has always been my trouble spot. I have been dedicated to fitness for years now, working out every day and sometimes twice. Discouraged, losing hope, and feeling down on myself, I stopped blogging last year. My mindset was "if I can't have the body, who am I to tell others how to?" Well, I am blogging again, and although I am still a work in progress I am finally starting to see results.
Few months apart

With that, I will share my biggest secrets. The five key things that kicked my fitness habit from routine into transformation.

  1. Switch up your routine - I was waking up every morning and doing cardio and then lifting with kettle-bells and free weights and could not understand why I was not seeing results. This was until my fiance took me to the gym with him. He showed me machines to target different muscle groups daily. Now I actually have a schedule- a chest day, a leg day, an arms day, an ab day, all with a cardio finish. What can I say? He was right.... (ugh)
  2. Stay away from label gimmicks - Anything claiming "low fat" "low sugar" just uses harmful alternatives. Stop worrying about your calorie intake, and start worrying about what you put into your body. A handful of carrots will always be better than a handful of chips, this seems obvious. But an unflavored 140 calorie greek yogurt sprinkled with fresh cinnamon or honey and your own fruit is actually better for you than that 70 calorie "low fat" yogurt. I know, it's hard to believe. But when you start seeing the change, you'll agree.
  3. Cut the late night snacking- Living with a fiance that is trying to GAIN weight is tough. Surrounded by frozen pizzas, chips, and junk food. I made a decision to eat my dinner early, have a satisfying dessert (Yes, go for the icecream!) and then call it a night in the kitchen. Having a dense dessert keeps me from snacking, and also keeps me satisfied.
  4. Pack your lunch: Is it Pizza Day again at the office? "Good for them, not for me" is my motto. You do not need to reward yourself with food, and you should never feel guilty for turning down the pizza. Pack your lunch, and your snacks. You'll save money, you'll save calories, you'll save guilt. I will follow this up with a whole blog post on healthy eating in the workplace.
  5. Ditch the booze.. or at least the chaser: This is last because it's always my biggest challenge. When people tell me "I know I really need to cut out alcohol, so I am going to stop drinking for a month" I always advise against this, because I see the same outcome every time. The day their "alcohol free" month stops is the day they go our binge drinking cosmos with their girlfriends. Instead, keep it in moderation.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Superwoman Tuesday

Wedding dresses can be flattering on anyone if you get the right cut and shape for your body, but one thing that won't change unless you change is an unflattering back. To me a strong back represents just that - strength. Who wouldn't want to look strong and powerful on their wedding day? I am in the beginning stages of my journey, but have still seen great improvements.

My favorite back exercise- the super(wo)man exercise. This strengthens your back in just one quick move that anyone can do. I advise incorporating this exercise with both push ups and pull ups for a full back shred. All you have to do is grab a mat, lay face down, and raise both your arms and legs up so it looks like your flying like superman. Want an added trick? Sway slowly from side to side to hit those love handles, too.
For a detailed video on proper form, check out

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Active Rest Day- a swimmer's dream

I have always been a fish. My Grandmother tells stories of me as a young girl, shouting "again! again!" at my Grandfather throwing me into the pool. The pool has always been my happy place, a place to clear my head, and something I was good at. In my glory teenage years as a swimmer I beat records and won championships in my speciality stroke, the butterfly. Because of that I am blessed and cursed with strong, broad shoulders... this makes it challenging for wedding dresses, but great for active rest days. Although I didn't hit the weights today, I made sure to get at least the recommended 30 minutes of exercise daily by doing something I love, swimming!

A work in progress...with some bed head.

Some benefits of swimming:
  • Builds muscle tone and strength using resistance from the water
  • Increases circulation
  • Reduces risk of heart disease
  • Targets many different muscle groups
  • Builds endurance
  • and as sweater, my personal favorite benefit - it keeps you cool!
Happy Sunday!